Discover the Advantages of Sealing Your Pavers!

Weather Protection and Enhanced Longevity Why seal pavers? Let’s delve into the significant advantages. Among the foremost benefits of sealing your pavers is shielding them from harsh weather conditions and other environmental factors. Weather variations can degrade pavers, leading to fading, cracking, or discoloration. Sealing pavers forms a protective shield, guarding against such damage by creating a barrier between the pavers and external elements.

Furthermore, aside from safeguarding pavers from intense sunlight, high water levels, and heightened humidity, sealing augments their overall durability. The sealer fortifies the pavers, making them more resilient against cracking, chipping, or breakage. This increased durability extends the lifespan of pavers, ultimately reducing repair costs in the long run.

  • Resistance to Stains like Oil, Grease, and Liquids Another perk of sealing pavers is the added resistance to stains from substances such as oil, grease, and other liquids. Unsealed pavers possess greater porosity, making them prone to absorbing stains and challenging to clean. Sealing pavers establishes a protective barrier, simplifying spill cleanup before stains can mar the surface.
  • Enhanced Natural Color Preservation Sealing pavers also contributes to preserving their natural hues. While pavers come in diverse colors, prolonged exposure to UV rays and weather can cause them to fade. Sealing your pavers with natural-looking sealers from Surface Logix helps enrich their original color. Our water-based sealers enhance the brick’s color, resulting in a fresh, natural, or matte appearance.
  • Prevention of Mold and Weed Growth Unsealed pavers are more susceptible to harboring mold, mildew, and weed growth. Their porous nature provides an ideal environment for these unwelcome intruders.

Sealing pavers establishes a protective barrier, limiting air and moisture entry. These unfavorable conditions hinder mold and weed growth, maintaining pavers’ cleanliness.

  • Stabilization of Sand Between Pavers Why seal pavers? Sealing your or your clients’ pavers aids in stabilizing the sand between them. Without sealing, rain can easily dislodge or wash away the sand between pavers during pressure washing, leaving gaps. Paver sealer functions as adhesive, keeping the sand intact for a level and stable surface.
  • Prevention of Insect and Pest Infestation Sealing pavers effectively deters insect and pest intrusion. Unsealed pavers can become breeding grounds for insects and pests, potentially leading to infestations and costly repairs.
  • Enhanced Appearance with Shinier Bricks Sealing your pavers improves the overall appearance of your outdoor space. Unsealed pavers risk UV damage over time, while sealed pavers, particularly those treated with semi-gloss wet look sealers, boast a vibrant and polished look, enhancing aesthetics.
  • Protection Against Salt Damage For those in regions with harsh winters, sealing pavers provides defense against damage caused by salt and de-icing chemicals. Unsealed pavers are susceptible to penetration by these substances, resulting in cracks and other damage. Sealing forms a barrier, preventing salt and chemicals from seeping into the surface.
  • Water Repellency Sealing pavers minimizes water absorption, depending on the chosen sealer. Water can cause significant damage over time, leading to cracks and stains. Water-repellent sealers keep water from penetrating the surface, reducing the risk of damage and extending pavers’ lifespan.
  • Simplified Cleaning Sealing pavers makes cleaning easier by creating a smoother, less porous surface. This facilitates the removal of dirt and debris, enhancing the effectiveness of power washing. Sealed pavers maintain a clean, well-maintained appearance with minimal effort.
  • Increased Property Value Finally, sealing your pavers enhances your home’s value. Well-maintained and protected pavers serve as a significant selling point when listing your property. A well-kept outdoor space can attract potential buyers, ultimately boosting your property’s overall value.